
Youth Center for Research (YCR) organizes a Summer Research Program (SRP) every year. It is a flagship international program in which young people from around the world gather in a virtual learning space that enables young aspiring researchers, advocates, and change-makers to undertake transnational collaborative research. The opportunity is unique in its arrangement which entails intergenerational dialogue and active engagement of the youth with experts from various fields of specialty.

Future leadership awaits young people. Therefore, they need to be prepared to take this position and lead the development discourse. However, this leadership position requires preparedness, and that in turn requires awareness about the issues and challenges facing us. The journey towards this understanding begins with research and dialogue facilitated by transnational collaboration.

The themes for the Summer Program are drawn from the SDGs. This year, the focus is on Education with 6 sub-themes. Applicants will express their preferences during the process and will be made to work in groups to dive deeper into the selected themes while undertaking cohort-wide discussions and research guided by development practitioners joining us from around the world.


  • Build and become part of a global network of young researchers, experts, and practitioners
  • Hone research skills and challenge one’s prejudices and convictions by undertaking reflective discussions
  • Undertake deeper dive into understanding development challenges facing us which can potentially help in feeding advocacies or informing action


  • The program is open for all geographical spaces globally. 
  • In their 3rd or 4th year of Undergraduate education
  • Masters students (enrolled or graduated) are also eligible
  • Maximum age limit is 35

DEADLINE: June 15, 2022

To apply and for more information visit here


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