Each year, students show Morgan Stanley what the world looks like through their eyes in our annual photo competition. This year’s theme, Places and Spaces, focuses on the various places and spaces where you live, work and travel to.

You are encouraged to submit photos of Places and Spaces; moments in your lives, your travels and your imagination.

From January 18 to February 19, we encourage you to submit up to two photographs that illustrate Places and Spaces that you have encountered. After all photos are submitted, our panel of judges will narrow-down all submissions to five entries from each region – Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East & Africa and North America


The three entries with the most votes from each region will win one of the prizes listed below.

  • There will also be a global winner chosen from across all regions.
  • All winners will be informed during the week of May 1, 2017and announced on this site.


  • First Prize:Apple Watch Sport
  • Second Prize:FitBit Activity Tracker
  • Third Prize:US $100 or equivalent local currency in Amazon vouchers


  • Student who are currently enrolled either full or part-time at any university
  • The competition is not open to those students who have already graduated
  • Entrants must be willing to provide proof they are a current student if they are short-listed

DEADLINE: February 19 2017

To apply and for more information visit here


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