Hosted by the Institute of Food Technologists and funded by the Seeding The Future Foundation, the Challenge is intended to support innovations that have the potential for significant impact at scale and over time, and benefit at least one or more of the following intersecting domains: nutritious food for a healthy diet; sustainably produced; and accessible, appealing, affordable, and trusted by consumers.

The 2022 Challenge Application portal will open on June 1. Applications will be accepted online through August 1.

We highly encourage all applicants from last year who did not win to review the adjusted selection criteria requirements for this year and if their innovation meets those requirements, to submit an application.


  • Seed Grants ($25,000 each) will be awarded to organizations that are planting and nurturing high-potential, innovative ideas and have developed a prototype and/or initial proof of concept demonstrating feasibility. Innovation must benefit at least one, ideally two domains of the Innovation Focus Area without negatively impacting the others.
  • Growth Grants ($100,000 each) will be awarded to organizations that have demonstrated that their innovation is doable and have projected both economic feasibility at scale and high-impact potential to transform the food system. The innovation must benefit at least two, ideally three domains with no negative impact on the others.
  • Seeding The Future Grand Prizes ($250,000 each) will be awarded to organizations that have created innovations that are scalable, economically feasible at scale, trusted, and compelling to consumers, and have demonstrated major impact potential to transform the food system. The innovation must benefit at least two, ideally three domains with no negative impact on the others.


  • To be eligible for an award, the project must be innovative and lead to new advances that benefit at least one but ideally more than one of the intersecting domains of the Innovation Focus Area, shown in the diagram below, while not negatively affecting any of the other domains.
  • Innovations that benefit two or more domains and are at an advanced development stage are eligible for the highest award levels.
  • The following organizations are eligible to compete in the Challenge:
    • Non-profits located in any country
    • Academic or research institutions located in any country
    • Early-stage or emerging U.S. or European-based for-profit companies (‘small companies’)

DEADLINE: August 1, 2022

To apply and for more information visit here


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