HFML International Fellowship scheme invites applications for 2015 fellowship. The HFML International Fellowship scheme has been set up to offer excellent, highly motivated post-doctoral candidates the opportunity to establish their own intensive research programme involving high magnetic fields and to perform cutting-edge experiments at the HFML for a period of four years. Two notable features of the fellowship programme is that each fellow will be offered a PhD student during their four-year appointment as well an additional four years of funding beyond the term of the fellowship (provided that he/she has secured a tenure-track position elsewhere) to enable the fellow and his/her group members to return to the HFML to carry out further high-field experiments.


  • An excellent employment package
  • The necessary funding to cover travel expenses
  • Day-to-day consumables and publication charges.


  • Demonstrate strong scientific background, typically manifest in an excellent PhD and postdoctoral performance with publications in renowned journals combined with the vision and motivation to deliver world-leading research

DEADLINE: 31st December, 2014

To apply and for more information visit here



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