The SAG-SEED Starter promotes the incubation of new eco-enterprises. Setting up a business is both an exciting and challenging task: Turning an idea into a product or service customers actually want to buy, requires not only a deep-dive into the market, but also business skills and bringing together the right team and partners. Considering all aspect can be challenging, therefore, SEED supports young teams of entrepreneurs with innovative ideas through the SAG-SEED Starter Months.


  • During the application period for the SAG-SEED Starter Months future eco-entrepreneurs form their teams and come up with their business ideas to tackle one of the main challenges in their country.
  • Under expert guidance the selected teams will come together during two workshops to develop and refine their business ideas.
  • Participation is for free! You only cover your transport and accommodation expenses.


  • SEED welcomes innovative ideas from any enterprise in a developing country or country in transition, which is working in partnership with others to generate economic, environmental and social benefits.
  • For the 2017 SAG-SEED Awards, the call for application is open to enterprises within these six focus countries: Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, South Africa and Uganda.

DEADLINE: March 8 2017

To apply and for more information visit here



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