Women Deliver and Partners in Population and Development will hold a targeted consultation in 2012, to gather regional perspectives...
Re: Should Nigeria be Ruled by the Street
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, #occupynigeria, Nigeria, protest, youth, 0Dear Paul Collier, I read your article about the fuel subsidy policy in Nigeria and the protest that has...
Apply: National Dialogue on Fuel Subsidy; Issues, Meeting points and Solutions
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, dialogue, fuel subsidy, Nigeria, youth, 0The Peoples Senate is committed to creating an irreversible consciousness in the Nigerian people through, education, debates, interaction and...
Apply: Playing for Change Social Entrepreneurship Program, Ghana
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, children, Ghana, play, social entrepreneurship, youth, 4Do you have an innovative idea on how to make life better for children and youth? You could get...
Apply: Youth Organisation Capacity Building school
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, capacity building, Nigeria, training, youth, 0Youth Organization Capacity Building School is capacity building training program designed to strengthen institutional building and operations of...