University of Sheffield offers scholarships to students of high academic ability for 2016 entry. WORTH There will be a...
Call for Application: Africa’s land & food fellowship
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, africa, fellowship, opportunity, UK, 0Since the Fellowship was launched in 2005, over £1.8 million has been generously provided by the private sector, foundations...
DO YOU HAVE A BRIGHT BUSINESS IDEA? MAKE IT HAPPEN IN THE UK The Sirius Programme aims to attract...
APPLY: Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Programme
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Scholarships, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, France, India, Kenya, Kyrgystan, Madagascar, masters, Mozambique, Pakistan, PhD, Portugal, scholarship, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, uganda, UK, USA and Canada., 0Application Procedures The application procedures of AKF’s International Scholarship Programme are decentralised. Students may obtain application forms as of...
APPLY: UKEAS Academic Elite Masters Scholarship
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, china, international students, scholarship, UK, UKAES, 0APPLY: UKEAS Academic Elite Masters Scholarship UKEAS and Aston University offers Masters Scholarship for the applicants of China, 2012/13 UK ...