Youth Organization Capacity Building School is capacity building training program designed to strengthen institutional building and operations of...
Apply: WACSI NGO Management Training (Deadline: November 18, 2011)
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, CSO, Lagos, Nigeria, training, 0The West African Civil Society Institute is organizing a NGO management training workshop for civil society organisations in Lagos, Nigeria. The...
Download: Nigeria's Freedom of Information Act mobile application
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, FOI, mobile, mobile apps, Nigeria, 5Following recent trends and tapping into the growth of mobile phones in the country, Media Rights Agenda, a non-profit...
Download: Nigeria’s Freedom of Information Act mobile application
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, FOI, mobile, mobile apps, Nigeria, 5Following recent trends and tapping into the growth of mobile phones in the country, Media Rights Agenda, a non-profit...