With support from its “Special Research Fund” (BOF), Ghent University wishes to support university research groups or research centres...
Tag Archive for: Countries
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Closed: APPLY: University of Sussex Scholarships for Developing Countries Students in UK, 2017
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Scholarships, Countries, Developing, scholarships, students, UK, University of Sussex, 0The University of Sussex is a public research university situated in Falmer, near Brighton in Sussex. The University of...
Closed: APPLY: ICTP Visiting Fellowships for Mathematicians from Developing Countries in Italy, 2017
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, Countries, Developing, fellowships, ICTP, Italy, Mathematicians, Visiting, 0The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) is offering a small number of Mathematics Research Fellowships for mathematicians...
Closed: APPLY: Swedish Institute Study Scholarships for Developing Countries, 2017/2018
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, Scholarships, Countries, Developing, Institute, scholarships, Swedish, 0SISS is the Swedish government’s international awards scheme aimed at developing global leaders. It is funded by the Ministry...
Closed: APPLY: ASTMH Council Alan Magill Fellowship for low/low-middle Income Countries 2017
opportunitiesadmin, , Fellowships, Opportunities, Alan Magill, ASTMH, council, Countries, fellowship, Income, low/low-middle, 0The Alan J. Magill Fellowship was created by the ASTMH Council in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates ...
Closed: APPLY: Islamic Development Bank (IDB) M.Sc. Scholarship Programme Member Countries (LDMCs) 2017/2018
opportunitiesadmin, , Blog, (IDB), (LDMCs), bank, Countries, development, islamic, M.Sc., Member, programme, scholarship, 0The Programme was launched in 1419 H/1998 named “The IDB M.Sc. Scholarship Programme” for Eligible Member Countries. WORTH All...
Closed: APPLY: Kectil Youth Leadership Program for Developing Countries
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Countries, Developing, Kectil, leadership, program, youth, 0The Kectil Program is open for applications and invites highly talented youth in developing countries who have the potential to make...
Closed: APPLY: Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) Scholarships for Medical Doctors from Developing Countries to study in the United Kingdom (Fully Funded)
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Scholarships, (LSTM), Countries, Developing, Doctors, Liverpool, Medical, medicine, scholarships, school, Tropical, United Kingdom, 0The learning and teaching activities in LSTM are diverse and wide-ranging. The prestigious Masters programmes continue to attract highly-motivated...
APPLY: The Queen’s Young Leaders Leading Change Journalism Bursary for Young People from Commonwealth Countries 2017
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Bursary, change, commonwealth, Countries, journalism, leaders, leading, people, Queen's, young, 0Launched in 2016, the Leading Change Journalism Bursary offers young people across the Commonwealth the chance to develop their...
APPLY: Commonwealth Shared Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries for study in the United Kingdom 2017 (Fully Funded)
opportunitiesadmin, , Opportunities, Scholarships, commonwealth, Countries, Developing, scholarships, Shared, students, Study, United Kingdom, 0Commonwealth Scholarships for Master’s and PhD study in the UK are offered for citizens of developing Commonwealth countries. These scholarships...