You’ll have a chance to earn the coveted title of Code Jam Champion and win $15,000 USD at the...
Tag Archive for: African Competition
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Mest Africa Challenge for Tech Start-Ups 2020 ($50,000)
Austin Emma, , Closed, Competitions, Grants, Opportunities, African Competition, Competition for Young Nigerians, Global Challenge for young Nigerians, Opportunities, opportunity, 0Calling all tech start-ups in Abidjan, Accra, Addis, Kigali, Dakar, Dar Es Salaam, Lagos, Nairobi, and Johannesburg! The MEST...
Maghreb Photography Awards for Photographers 2020 ($2,000 prize)
Austin Emma, , Competitions, Opportunities, African Competition, Competition for Young Nigerians, Global Challenge for young Nigerians, Opportunities, 0Do you have a photo project realized in one of the countries of the Arab Maghreb (Morocco, Mauritania, Algeria,...
Viva Technology (Vitatech)/UNESCO Pitch Challenge 2020
Austin Emma, , Closed, Competitions, Opportunities, African Competition, Competition for Young Nigerians, Global Challenge for young Nigerians, Opportunities, opportunity, 0Vivatech -This international event is a gathering of the world’s brightest minds, talents, and products and is a celebration...
One Young World Politician of the Year 2020
Austin Emma, , Awards, Competitions, Opportunities, African Competition, Competition for Young Nigerians, Global Challenge for young Nigerians, Opportunities, opportunity, 0According to the Inter-Parliamentary Union, only 2% of parliamentarians globally are under the age of 30 and just 14%...
EDCTP Prizes for African Research Teams 2020 (€100,000)
Austin Emma, , Awards, Closed, Opportunities, African Competition, Competition for Young Nigerians, Global Challenge for young Nigerians, Opportunities, opportunity, 0The biennial EDCTP Prizes recognise outstanding individuals and research teams from Africa and Europe who have made significant achievements...
Depict International Short Film Online Competition 2020 (£2,500)
Austin Emma, , Closed, Competitions, Opportunities, African Competition, Competition for Young Nigerians, Global Challenge for young Nigerians, Opportunities, opportunity, 0Depict is Watershed’s international short film online competition running since 1998 as part of Encounters Film Festival (Bristol, UK)...
Shark Tank of Wellness Global Student Competition 2020 ($10,000)
Austin Emma, , Closed, Competitions, Opportunities, Undergraduate, African Competition, Competition for Young Nigerians, Global Challenge for young Nigerians, Opportunities, opportunity, 0The Shark Tank of Wellness Student Competition is a unique global challenge that rewards students for their most innovative,...
Future Generation Art Prize for Artists 2020($100,000)
Austin Emma, , Awards, Closed, Competitions, Opportunities, African Competition, Competition for Young Nigerians, Global Challenge for young Nigerians, Opportunities, opportunity, 0The Future Generation Art Prize is a biannual global contemporary art prize to discover, recognize and give long-term support...
Code Global Challenge on Climate change 2020 ($200,000 cash prize)
Austin Emma, , Awards, Closed, Competitions, Opportunities, African Competition, Competition for Young Nigerians, Global Challenge for young Nigerians, Opportunities, opportunity, 0Help halt and reverse the impact of climate change by creating sustainable solutions using open source technology. Get the...