As part of its Research and Capacity Building Program, the African Water Association is setting up research fellowships for young water and sanitation professionals in West Africa. This program, funded by USAID West Africa through the AfriCap Program (WASH – African Water Association – AfWA – Capacity Building Program –AfriCap)
- This Program will provide young graduate students at the graduate level (Master II) with research scholarships.
- Each grant, amounting to $ 1,000, will reward each selected project in accordance with the budget.
To apply, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Be a citizen of a West African country;
- Have duly registered in their academic institutions;
- Speak and write fluently in the language used by the academic institution;
- Have obtained an average greater than or equal to 12/20 or B in Master I
DEADLINE: February 28 2017
To apply and for more information visit here