It can be difficult for writers, before they become established, to write while simultaneously earning a living. To help meet this need the MMF awards annually a small number of Morland Writing Scholarships, with the aim being  to allow each Scholar the time to produce the first draft of a completed book. The Scholarships are open to anyone writing in the English language who was born in Africa or both of whose parents were born in Africa.


  • Scholars writing fiction will receive a grant of £18,000, paid monthly over the course of twelve months.
  • At the discretion of the Foundation, Scholars writing non-fiction may receive a grant of up to £27,000, paid over a period of up to eighteen months.


  • To qualify for the Scholarship a candidate must submit an excerpt from a piece of work of between 2,000 – 5,000 words written in English that has been published and offered for sale,This will be evaluated by a panel of readers and judges set up by the MMF.
  • The work submitted will be judged purely on literary merit.
  • It is not the purpose of the Scholarships to support academic or scientific research, or works of special interest such as religious or political writings.
  • Submissions or proposals of this nature do not qualify.

DEADLINE: October 31 2017

To apply and for more information visit here



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