UNU-CRIS is pleased to announce that Ghent University, one of her strategic partners, has launched this year’s call for two PhD Scholarships for research at UNU-CRIS. If you are interested in doing research on subjects relevant to UNU-CRIS and would like to answer to this call, you have to find a supervisor at Ghent University, who is willing to supervise your PhD project. The scholarships are initially awarded for 2 years. After an intermediate evaluation, a second term of maximum 2 years can be granted. The aim is to obtain a doctoral degree within a time span of 4 years. Keep in mind that these scholarships are very competitive and that we are looking for outstanding proposals and excellent study results. Candidates from outside the EU will, in addition, have to verify if their diplomas and certificates are recognised as valid by the Belgian authorities.


The amount of the scholarship is approximately € 2.070 per month, depending on the family status of the scholar. Based on the advice of the Research Council, a bench fee of € 7.440 (€ 310/month) will be awarded to the supervisor per term of 2 years.


No restrictions on nationality or age. Only for candidates with excellent study results during the entire study career.

DEADLINE: May 3 2018

To apply and for more information visit here


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