APPLY: DAAD/African Institute for Mathematical science (AIMS) PhD Scholarship Programme in Mathematical Science 2017 (Funded) – Opportunities

DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service, in association with AIMS, provides five in-region scholarships for a PhD programme in Mathematical Sciences. These scholarship are available to students wishing to commence a PhD programme at a South African University. Research fields considered include (mathematical sciences, statistics, computational and applied maths, physics, cosmology, computer science, bio-informatics)


  • While on a DAAD scholarship you must not accept scholarship or awards from other German sources nor apply for support from the German national educational assistance system – BaföG.
  • If you intend to accept or apply for additional funds from a German source, e.g. to cover the expense of special equipment or computer time within the framework of your academic work or to help you and your family in an emergency, you must obtain prior approval in writing from the DAAD.
  • If you receive a supplementary scholarship, grant or award from your own country or from another non-German source, it remains without effect on the DAAD scholarship as long as the total received is below the tax-free income level in Germany (presently 450 euros per month).


In order to apply, applicant must:

  • Be African nationals from Sub Saharan countries (excluding South African nationals)
  • Not be older than 36 years of age on the date of nomination.
  • Women are particularly encouraged to submit an application.

DEADLINE: November 30 2016

To apply and for more information visit here


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