APPLY: CNRD Germany PhD Scholarship for Developing Countries 2014 -2015 – Opportunities

The Centre for Natural Resources and Development network (CNRD) of the University of Applied Sciences, Germany, offers a PhD scholarship for international students for the 2014/2015 academic session. The scholarship is on topics related to MDG 7. Selected students will get a three year scholarship to carry out the PhD research in a developing country.

Worth of Award

  • The CNRD PhD scholarship program includes two phases in Germany of about three months each (one in the first year and the other in the third year).
  • During the first phase in Germany the CNRD network offers various lectures, seminars, and workshops with special focus on interdisciplinary research and language skills.
  • Furthermore, students participate in a PhD summer school where they present their research topic and discuss it with their supervisors and colleagues.
  •  The second phase in Germany will primarily be used for the presentation of the PhD thesis, discussion with the German co-supervisor and the final revision of the thesis.


Requirements for the application are:

  • The applicant is a citizen of a developing country according to the DAC list of BMZ  (see here )
  • The PhD research is related to MDG 7 and will be carried out in a developing country
  • The applicant holds a master´s degree (or an equivalent degree) in a subject with relevance to MDG 7 and passed the exam with above-average grades
  • At the time of application, generally no more than six years should have passed since the applicant gained the last degree master´s degree
  • A solid knowledge of English language (IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL iBT 79 or equivalent) is expected

Deadline: Closing date is not stated but you are advised to apply as soon as possible.

To apply and for more information visit here


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