APPLY: Bayer Science and Education Foundation’s International Scholarship Programs 2016/2017. – Opportunities

Applications for the Buyers Science and Education Foundation’s International Scholarship programs are now being accepted for this year’s round. In the academic sector, ambitious students can apply for an Otto Bayer, Carl Duisburg, Jeff Schell, or Kurt Hansen scholarship if they are aiming to undertake a study project abroad or from foreign countries planning a project in Germany.


  • The Fellowship program consists of Five scholarship programs that offers tailored financial support.
  • Scholarships are granted to students or young professionals ( up to two years after graduation0 from Germany wishing to realize a study or research project abroad or to foreign students.


  • Students and young professionals in the fields of biology, molecular biology, bioengineering, bioinformatics, chemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceuticals and computational life sciences can apply for Otto Bayer Scholarship
  • Students and young professionals in the field of human and veterinary medicine, medical science, medical engineering, public health and health economics can apply for the Carl Duisburg scholarship
  • Students and young professionals in the fields of agro sciences, agronomy, crop sciences, green biotechnology, environmental sciences and sustainability can apply for the Jeff Schell Scholarship.

DEADLINE:  July 18 2016

To apply and for more information visit here


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