The Tom Lantos Institute (TLI) and the National University of Public Service (NUPS) in co-operation with the Middlesex University (MU), London, and with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hungary are inviting interested and passionate individuals to apply for their second international summer school on minority rights with a special focus on civil society, political participation and minority rights.

The Summer School will host 30 participants from all over the world and offers a forum to discuss relevant issues related to minorities with leading experts and practitioners in the field of ethno-cultural diversity management.


The Global Minority Rights Summer School focuses on the different regional challenges of ethno-cultural diversity management, participant develop an overview of the existing international minority protection regime and gain familiarity with existing minority protection policy regimes in Africa, the Middle-East, the Pacific and Europe.

The Summer School provides inter-active academic lectures, networking opportunities for stakeholders operating in the field of minority protection, and an opportunity to share experiences and discussing research projects

The project is complemented with interesting and informative cultural events including a day-long visit to Vojvodina, Serbia


Civil servants, decision-makers, teachers in higher education and public officials who deal primarily with ethno-cultural minority related issues.

MA and PhD students who wish to acquire competitive personal competence beneficial for their future careers in academia or in practice-oriented professions.

Members of civil society organizations, practitioners

Everyone who is interested in recent development s, current theories and advanced training in the field if minority protection

DEADLINE: 1st May, 2014

To apply and for more information visit here


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