As part of its Capacity-Building Program for African stakeholders in the water, sanitation, and hygiene sector (AfriCap) funded by USAID, the African Water Association is awarding research scholarships to African Young Water and Sanitation Professionals. Target beneficiaries are master students and engineer in the final year of their training. Each scholarship, with a maximum value of USD1,000 (one thousand US dollars), will make it possible to carry out a research work sanctioned by a scientific report on a theme related to the WASH sector.


As part of this scholarship, the maximum amount allocated per recipient is US $ 1,000. Sixty percent (60%) of this amount will be paid to the recipient once the detailed plan of the research project is finalized, approved by the research supervisor, and received by AfWA Research and Capacity Building Program Coordinator. The remaining forty percent (40%) shall be paid once the recipient submits the electronic version of their final research report.


  • Be a citizen of a Sub-Saharan African country eligible for USAID funding
  • Be in a good standing academically with respect to their institutions.

DEADLINE: April 15, 2023

To apply and for more information visit here


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