Scholarships offered by the Romanian State to foreign citizens through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in keeping with Government Decision No 288/1993 for the 2016- 2017 academic year


  • Free-of-charge tuition,
  • Free-of-charge accommodation (depending on availability, accommodation will be offered free-of-charge in students hostels, in keeping with the higher education regulations and within the limits of the sums available for this purpose),
  • Financial support – a monthly amount representing :
  • the equivalent in Romanian currency of 65 EURO per month, for the under-graduate students (1st cycle),
  • the equivalent in Romanian currency of 75 EURO per month, for post-graduate students (master degrees and specialization) 2nd cycle,
  • RI737126839CN the equivalent in Romanian currency of 85 EURO per month, for post graduate students (doctor’s degree) 3rd cycle.


  • Citizens of non EU countries (irrespective of their country of residence). Priority is given to citizens from non EU states with which Romania does not have cultural and education cooperation agreements
  • Mention should be made that foreign citizens of Romanian origin and those belonging to the neighboring historic Romanian communities benefit from other scholarship program offered by the Romanian state.

Deadline: March 15, 2016

To apply and for other information visit here


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