Agricultural sciences and agronomy
- Crop protection, seeds and green biotechnology
- Environmental sciences and agricultural sustainability
Applicants should demonstrate a pioneering spirit for science and society, above-average study grades, a high level of motivation and a compelling individual project idea.The scholarship can be used for special study courses, individual laboratory assignments, summer schools, research classes, internships, or Master’s or PhD theses.
Scholarships are granted exclusively to students from German-speaking countries wishing to study abroad, or to foreign students who are interested in a study project in Germany. This program is not open to postdoc students.
Applications can be generated from June 1, 2015 (11.00 h CET) to July 10, 2015 (24.00 h CET).
Click here for the online application form:
Otto Bayer, Carl Duisberg, Jeff Schell and Kurt Hansen Scholarships