YouthHubAfrica Call for Chief Enumerators 2022 – Opportunities

The Nigerian Youth Employment Action Plan 2021-24 of the Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development published in August 2021, confirms that unemployment rates are increasing and that as of the year 2020 youth unemployment in Nigeria stood at only 35% of the country’s population. This goes to show that the youth are not given the adequate attention needed to contribute to the growth of the country. The Nigerian National Youth Policy, though having been reviewed last in 2019, still has gaps which need to be addressed to ensure that the basic needs of its youth are met, most importantly, their inclusion and participation in governance, education, health, and entrepreneurship amongst others. On the other hand, Young Nigerians have continued to demonstrate resilience and tenacity. Through the #NotTooYoungToRun, the #EndSars, and similar campaigns. They have also demonstrated the ability to mobilize for change and demand good governance. But there is still a long way to go as Nigeria still ranks high on the equality gap. Women and youth inclusion is still a far cry in a country where youth and women are leading change across sectors of the economy. It is therefore very important for the youths, Youth-focused organisations and all other stakeholders to consider ways to ensure youth opinions, ideas, and thoughts are gathered and made to have an inclusive and sustainable development to harness the demographic dividends in Nigeria.

This project will prioritise Youth, Women, Persons with disabilities and other marginalised voices and opinions through an inclusive Consolidated framework of action. It will reflect on the gaps within the existing National Youth Policy 2019, create a National Youth Agenda and work with other critical stakeholders, including women groups and PWD groups, to push development agendas beyond the 2023 election in Nigeria.

Scope of Work

The chief enumerator will supervise the work of 37 enumerators across the country

Duration of Work: 2 Weeks


1. Applicants should be between the ages of 18- 35 years of Age.

Deadline: October 2nd, 2022

To apply, visit here.


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