The Youth Department Council of Africa-Europe is inviting applicants for the Second Global Youth Conference that will be held during 1-4 February 2016 at Singapore Conference Hall.

The Conference aims to bring together youths from 100 countries and over 20 representatives and relevant European youth stakeholders for taking stock of the results and relevance of the Global youth action plan so far and to discuss the future orientations of the Global Youth Action Plan.

The conference is designed as a multi-stakeholder and non-formal intercultural learning environment, where young people and stakeholder representatives can exchange their experience and build upon previous experiences and results

Conference Objectives

  • To discuss, promote and learn from the Global Youth Action Plan experiences and practices;
  • To promote and enable the participation of youth in policy making process at all levels;
  • To emphasize the role of Global youth in fighting corruption and terrorism ;
  • To enhance the inclusion of youth matters in policies and programmes dealing with issues and promoting the inclusion of youth issues in youth policies and programmes within the UN Youth policies and all relevant stakeholders;
  • To shape the future of the Global Youth Action Plan in coordination with young people.
  • To analyses the current place of African youth issues in regards of the international African inclusion policies, such as NIAS

Eligibility Criteria

The conference will bring together representatives and active leaders across the globe, this includes youth Organisations, young entrepreneurs, representatives of other European and international youth Organisations and networks policy makers and representatives of international organisations and foundations will also actively take part in the conference. All participants should:

  • Be aged between 18 and 35 years (exceptions will be possible based on the quality of the application form);
  • Be 35+ to apply as a facilitator or motivational speaker.
  • Be motivated and committed to contribute to the conference and its outcomes;
  • Be active and have some experience in activities with young people, communities and Organisations;
  • Be able to work in English or French;
  • Be available for the whole duration of the conference.


The conference will take place at the European Youth Centre Budapest.

  1. Travel expenses to and from home country will be covered according to the rules of the Council of youth Foundation of Europe.
  2. Visa costs will be covered by the Council of youth foundation Europe. The youth foundation Europe secretariat will issue invitation letter and also contact embassies that should facilitate the delivery of visas to attend the conference.
  3. Due to limited funding accommodation will provided for 50 applicants, cost of accommodation for other applicants will be subsided, Applicants will have to book

and later pay $300 on arrival.

Deadline: 1 December 2015

For application procedure and more, please visit 2nd Global Youth Conference.






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