The Financial Literacy Challenge “Creating A Sustainable You” seeks to have World Merit members first educate themselves on the basics of personal finance and investing, and then to pass on that knowledge to members of their local communities. The final product will be a video of you presenting your newfound financial knowledge to your communities.


  • Between 18 and 30
  • Speaks at least average English
  • Has an interest in finance or is eager to learn about it
  • Wants to educate his /her community and pay it forward
  • Has a passion to change the world for the better


  • 1 winner
  • Unlimited Drivewealth Badges
  • 50 point for completing wall street survivor courses
  • 250 points for delivering workshop
  • Bonus [points for audience over 50 people

Deadline:  September 30, 2015

To apply and for more information visit here


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