2021 Awards

The WISE Prize for Education recognizes an individual or a team for their outstanding contribution to education, and for their resolve to develop an idea or grow their initiative further. The WISE Prize for Education celebrates and shares the laureate’s vision in building the future of education by providing the Laureate(s) tailored support over two years to scale their impact.

The WISE Prize is not a grant scheme aimed at supporting new projects or organization. The prize is aimed at recognizing the accomplishment of an individual or team in education and their potential in shaping the future of education.


  • The Laureate(s) will receive US $ 500,000 cash prize dedicated to continuing their work in education, and a medal. 


  • The 2021 WISE Prize for Education selection process only accepts nominations. Self-nominations will not be considered.
  • Potential WISE Prize for Education candidates can be researchers, education practitioners, policy makers, organization leaders and can belong to any education sector such as early childhood education, K-12, higher education, vocational training, differently abled development, informal education, distance-based learning, education technology and lifelong learning.
  • Nominees for the WISE Prize for Education can be from any part of the world, if they meet the criteria.


  • The nominator must be an individual and not an organization, the nominator could be working with the nominee, part of their community, one of the nominee’s end beneficiaries or have no relationship with the nominee.
  • The nominator will fill out the nomination form and should know the nominee’s work very well.
  • The nominator can fill out the nomination form without informing or asking for information from the nominee. The nominator can also request information from the nominee to fill the form.
  • The nominator should provide the needed contact information, in case the WISE team would like to contact the nominator for further details.

DEADLINE: February 1 2021

To apply and for more information visit here


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