
The UN 2023 Water Conference in New York, 22-24 March 2023, is a crucial occasion to take stock of the water situation, jointly reflect and devise meaningful and innovative approaches, and thereby laying out an action agenda to tackle the water crises and help achieve SDG 6. It is clear that meaningful progress to attain SDG 6 can only be made if everyone comes together. Partnership and Cooperation is not just the theme, it is also a demand for the world, countries, organizations, and individuals to come together and join hands, ideas and efforts so that everyone can enjoy access to clean, safe and affordable water.

A picture tells a thousand words. Across history, art has been used as a way to disseminate information, tell stories and inspire action. The winning submissions of this competition wield the power to inspire millions by telling stories of how people come together to improve water resources, connect the unconnected, celebrate life and value nature.


The three winners will be officially announced on 10th February 2023 and receive a financial prize. The top 15 winning pieces will be exhibited at the UN 2023 Water Conference in New York, March 2023, a prestigious event which will shape the way we manage water over the next decade. All submissions will be considered for inclusion in a photo book and for publication via Water Science Policy’s website. Anyone published receives a free photo book.

  • 1st place: 400€ + published via WSPs website + featured in photo-book + free photo-book copy + displayed in New York during UN 2023 Water Conference
  • 2nd place: 200€ + published via WSPs website + featured in photo-book + free photo-book copy + displayed in New York during UN 2023 Water Conference
  • 3rd place: 100€ + published via WSPs website + featured in photo-book + free photo-book copy + displayed in New York during UN 2023 Water Conference


  • 5-10 photographs which tell a story of ‘water, partnerships and cooperation’.
  • Each photo should be numbered and have a short caption.
  • Photos should be in .jpg or .png with a resolution of at least 1920×1080.
  • Each entrant can submit up to three (3) photostories. Each story will be judged individually.
  • Please also make sure to review the submissions rules
  • Entries if photos must be original to applicant
  • Must be age 18 and above

DEADLINE: February 14, 2023

To apply and for more information visit here



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