USADF and All On are excited to request proposals for the USADF-All On Off-Grid Energy Challenge. Proposals are invited from eligible Nigerian off-grid energy companies. Selected enterprises will receive funding in the form of convertible debt and grant capital.

To be considered for the Challenge, applicants must be 100% African-owned, majority Nigerian-owned and -managed private companies registered in Nigeria, and operating in Nigeria.

All instructions to apply are included in the document labeled “RFP,” uploaded below. The application template for applicants to fill in is also below. Applicants must send the completed application template, as well as all required attachments, on or before March 18, 2022. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis, so it is advised that applicants submit their proposals as soon as possible.

For details on eligibility and full application instructions, please refer to the Request for Proposals document below.


  • Proposal of up to $100,000 in 50/50 blended financing (grant, debt or equity) per award will be considered, with a maximum of 10 awards anticipated.


Further develop, scale up or extend use of proven technologies for off–grid energy in Nigeria.

  • Benefit marginalized, or low-income rural or urban populations currently underserved by utility companies, ideally with a focus on benefits to women and girls.
  • Demonstrate financial sustainability or the potential for financial sustainability. The proposed investment period must include approximately three months of generation of electricity (or generation of energy) and revenue/cash flow from sales.
  • Demonstrate a proven track record of experience or have project sponsors or partners with a proven track record of related experience.
  • Propose a budget of no more than US$100,000. Proposals with budgets greater than US$100,000 must bring leveraged resources from one or more other sources that meet the total financing requirements. Leveraged funds from other private sector and donor sources are encouraged.
  • Demonstrate clearly whether and how many new connections will be added, as well as potential for future replication. A “new connection” is defined as new mini-grid connection or home system installed.
  • Applications for projects/ businesses leveraging wind, hydro, biomass, and gas as the energy source are greatly encouraged.
  • Productive use applications in the agriculture and agri-business sector are highly encouraged
  • Women-owned or -managed business is a plus.
  • Applications will only be considered if: 1. They are 100% African-owned and passports or other government-issued IDs showing citizenship are submitted;
  • All shareholders, members of the board and senior management must be citizens of a subSaharan African country and a majority must reside in Nigeria;
  • They are majority Nigerian-owned and -managed (senior managers);
  • They express clearly how they will benefit marginalized, grassroots people in Nigeria, including also ideally showing demonstrable positive impacts for female beneficiaries;
  • They express clearly how they will achieve profitability;
  • They are fully and legally registered in Nigeria and the registration is submitted;
  • They document adequate expertise in the field they are proposing or document how they will acquire the necessary expertise;
  • They plainly document how they will we use the USADF/All On investment funds to carry out their concept.

DEADLINE: March 18 2022

To apply and for more information visit here


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