A world built by promising youth, the World Youth Forum sends a message of peace, prosperity, harmony, and progress. It engages youth from around the globe in an enriching set-up, allowing them to exchange views and recommend initiatives to decision-makers and influential figures.
- Awards are set at a maximum of US$5,000 each.
- To be eligible, award applications must be made on the MAB Young Scientists Award application form (in English or French) and follow-up technical requirements stated there. The application must be endorsed by the applicant’s MAB National Committee*, which may endorse only two applications per year from applicants who are not older than 35 years of age (at the closing date of the application).
- Applications must contain concise information on past and existing research in areas concerned in order to present linkages and avoid duplications and financing of projects already carried-out.
- Priority is given to interdisciplinary projects carried out in biosphere reserves designated under the Man and the Biosphere Programme or potential biosphere reserves and which contribute to the implementation of the LAP and the SDGs. In this regard, applicants shall identify in their applications if and how their research contributes to the research-related actions of the LAP and to the SDGs.
- Applicants from developed countries are eligible for Awards only in exceptional cases or if working in joint partnership with developing countries.
- Awards are set at a maximum of US$5,000 each.
DEADLINE: January 14 2022
To apply and for more information visit here