UNESCO ICT in Education Prize

In light of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments must reimagine educational models and implement technology to make schooling crisis-resilient. A crisis-resilient and inclusive learning system includes not only connectivity and access to digital devices but also age-appropriate digital content and digital skills training for teachers, students, and caregivers.

The 2021 edition of the Prize will award projects that have built and implemented technology-enabled public learning systems and programmes that effectively ensured the continuity and quality of learning for all. The projects must ensure the data privacy and well-being of students, teachers, and caregivers. They should also consider the adoption of greening strategies to mitigate or neutralize the negative impacts of the technological solutions to internet connectivity and digital devices in education.


  • Relevance to the Thematic Focus: The project is in line with the objectives of the Prize and is relevant to the specific theme of the year
  • Innovation: The project applies innovative technologies to provide affordable and inclusive tools
  • Evidence of Impact: The project should provide evidence of impact
  • Potential for Replicability and Scalability: The project should show evidence that it can be replicated in other contexts or have the potential to further optimize and scale its impact
  • Inclusion and Equity: The project should use innovative technologies to advance inclusion and equity in education, while taking into account marginalized groups, leaners in crises and emergencies contexts and learners with disabilities.


  • The project should be ongoing for at least for 1 year
  • The project and its organization should not be affiliated to UNESCO or receive any funding from UNESCO
  • The technology tools used by the project should be open and free

DEADLINE: February 18 2022

To apply and for more information visit here





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