Tuesday 23 October 2012

UN Women Training Centre Gender and Aid Effectiveness E


 October 12, 2012 ·

The UN Women Training Centre through it’s Training for Gender Equality COP, is pleased to announce the Gender and Aid Effectiveness

E Workshop for Civil Society Organizations, NGOs and academia. A total of 20 full scholarships are available and will be granted to

selected candidates. Unfortunately this course is only available in English; there will be other opportunities in other languages in the

future. If you would like to apply to this course, please check the announcement in English.

El Centro de formación ONU Mujeres se complace en anunciar a través de la Comunidad de “Practicas para la Igualdad del Género”: el

Taller de Género de la Efectividad de la Ayuda para las Organizaciones de: la Sociedad Civil, NGOs y academia. Un total de 20 becas

completas estaran disponibles para los candidatos seleccionados. Desafortunadamente este curso solo estará disponible en ingles;

habrá mas oportunidades en otros idiomas en el future. Si desea aplicar a este curso, favor consultar el anuncio en ingles.

Le Centre de Formation d’ONU Femmes est heureux d’annoncer, à-travers la Communauté de « Pratiques pour l’Egalité des Genres »,

l’ouverture prochaine d’un atelier en ligne sur le Genre et l’Efficacité de l’Aide, conçu pour la société civile, les ONGs et le milieu

académique. Vingt bourses seront disponibles sur sélection. Malheureusement, ce cours se déroulera uniquement en anglais. Il sera

disponible dans d’autres langues dans le futur. Si vous souhaitez postuler, merci de bien vouloir consulter l’annonce en anglais.

UN Women Training Centre

Gender and Aid Effectiveness E Workshop!

Dear Colleagues,

The UN Women Training Centre through it’s Training for Gender Equality COP, is pleased to announce the Gender and Aid Effectiveness

E Workshop for Civil Society Organizations, NGOs and academia.

This moderated online course aims to provide knowledge for better understanding the changing aid end policy making environment

and develop capacities in how to monitor aid flows and evaluate their impacts and will include forums and practical exercises on how

to apply the principles of aid effectiveness to promote gender equality in our own organizations, how to make a meaningful gender

analysis of aid flows, how to engender budgets and how to develop an  advocacy strategy for your own organization.

It will start on October 22nd and end on November 23rd, 2012 and it is directed to practitioners working in civil society organizations,

in NGOs, in the academia. A total of 20 full scholarships are available and will be granted to selected candidates.

This self-paced course that will be developed in English includes activities that aim to promote reflection on participants’ daily

practice. A minimum of 5 hours per week are needed for the different synchronic and asynchronic activities included in this course.

To participate in this e learning course, candidates need to:

  • Be an active member of the Training for Gender Equality CoP.
  • Be working in a civil society organization, NGO or academic institution.
  • Be endorsed by their organizations/institutions, including availability of resources (access to internet and computers, printing materials, etc.) and time to adequately comply with the course activities.
  • Motivation and a clear view on how to put into practice acquired knowledge and skills.
  • Have working knowledge of English language.

Participants complying with all workshop requisites and activities will receive a certificate of completion.

Technological requirements:

  • Access to internet
  • Programmes to read printed documents. For example, Microsoft Office and PDF documents.
  • Facilities to print documents.

To apply:

Send the following documents before October 15th  to tc.cop@unwomen.org

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Cover letter explaining how the knowledge and skills acquired in the e workshop would be put into practice.
  • Letter of endorsement from his/her organization. Please click here for the endorsement letter template.

Click here to download the registration form.

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