Trust for Sustainable Living Essay Competition for Students 2020 (Funded) – Opportunities
2020 Competitions

The Trust for Sustainable Living is pleased to invite schoolchildren around the world to share their ideas to help protect the Earth’s precious biological diversity.

Following on from the success of the first online International Schools’ Debates and Summit, next year’s Debates will also take place online to help support the broadest possible participation of schoolchildren from around the world.

The competition is aimed at primary and secondary school students, supported by Teacher Champions, parents and schools. To participate, schools simply need to register a Teacher Champion to coordinate on their behalf.


  • One overall Grand Prize trophy winner will receive a free international trip to a TSL Summit, including £500 spending money.
  • The Top 10 essay medallists will receive eco-friendly e-medals with redeemable gift tokens included.
  • All participating Teacher Champions, Essay Finalists & Honourable Mentions, and International Debate participants, will receive personalised e-certificates.


  • Each student is invited to submit one essay in English, entitled, ‘How can we protect biological diversity and stop the 6th mass extinction?’

The essay length varies by age as follows:

  • Primary students (ages 7-11): 400 words
  • Secondary students (ages 11-17): 600 words.

DEADLINE: December 23, 2020

To apply and more information visit here


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