
Local Conference Of Youths (LCOY) aim to bring together youth from one country or area. At LCOYs, youth participate as part of national and regional movements. They focus on climate related topics which have high national importance, discuss and develop respective outputs, which are fed into the Global COY and consequently into the UN climate negotiations. They normally take place before the Global COY. Furthermore, they also serve the purpose to train youth and to build their capacities for climate action

LCOY is an event under the umbrella of YOUNGO, the official youth constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Its aims are to be a space to boost youth climate action locally and create an input into the international conferences. It represents a national version of the international Conference of Youth (COY), which takes place immediately before the Conference of Parties (COP), the annual UN-Climate Conference.


  • Applicants will get endorsement from YOUNGO
  • Access to use official Logo of YOUNGO on relevant forms of branding associated with LCOY
  • Gain access to present on LCOY and YOUNGO websites 


  • Open to youth with an interest in climate actions
  • Local COY can be hosted in any language. But it is encouraged that COY adapt to the regional and national circumstances relevant to them. However, participants are encouraged to communicate with YOUNGO in English,French or any other UN official language.

DEADLINE: May 31, 2022

To apply and for more information visit here


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