33rd annual International Human Rights Training Program, June 3 – June 22, 2012

We are delighted to announce that the application period for the 33rd annual International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) is now open and we will be accepting applications until November 21st, 2011. We look forward to another inspiring three-week program and the opportunity to meet more than 120 participants from around the world.

The IHRTP is intended for human rights workers and educators from non-governmental organizations, National Human Rights Institutions, government bodies and educational institutions. The goal of the IHRTP is to strengthen the capacity of human rights organizations to undertake human rights education efforts aimed at building a global culture of human rights. The curriculum is based on principles of adult experiential learning in which participants and facilitators engage in a process of mutual teaching and learning.
“This training program is an important Canadian contribution to the spread of human rights and democratic principles around the world,” says Ian Hamilton, Executive Director of Equitas. “Through the IHRTP, participants gain greater confidence in their abilities as well as the skills and motivation to become effective human rights champions upon their return home”.

If you wish to attend the 2012 IHRTP, find below information about the application process, the application form and the memorandum of agreement. Please note that the application form, the memorandum of agreement and the other supporting documents must be received BEFORE November 21st, 2011.


For more information click here


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  1. Martin N'lonjae Toe 13 years ago

    I am interested to attend the International Human Rights Training Programme (IHRTP). please feel free to send me the application form, memorandum of agreement and other supporting documents to facilitate the early submission of my Application

    Thanks for the Understanding

  2. Peter Matyoko 13 years ago

    Hello! This is Peter Matyoko writing from Tabora Tanzania. I am interested to attend the forthcoming International Human Rights Training Programme (IHRTP).May you please take time to send me the application form, and other supporting documents for me to make early application.


  3. Farida Yeasmin 13 years ago

    I am a social worker. I worked with Human Rights in Bangladesh. So I am very interested to to attend any kind of Human Rights Programed. But i am not able to pay fees. Pl. give me the chance for Human Rights Training, Workshop & Seminar. If you give me a chance then I can implemented the issue in my Country.



  4. Qazi Arbab Akbar Farooqi 13 years ago

    I am interested to attend the International Human Rights Training Programme (IHRTP). please send me the application form, memorandum of agreement and other supporting documents to facilitate the early submission of my Application.

    Thanks for the Understanding.

    Qazi Arbab Akbar Farooqi

  5. Pauline Mwangi 12 years ago

    First I would like to thank EQUITAS for the great initiative in enhancing the respect and sensitivity to human rights issues in many communities.
    secondly I am interested in enhancing my knowledge and skills in human rights with an aim of improving the delivery of our human rights projects and also in reaching out to more members of the community in marginalised areas and also creating platforms for them to participate in the legislation/policy making process, this being the second year of the implementation of our Constitution 2010.

    Kindly send me the application forms so I can apply.
    Pauline Mwangi.


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