Do you know a young person making a positive difference in your community or country? Nominations are open for the 2016 Commonwealth Youth Awards for Excellence in Development Work. These awards recognise inspiring young people whose development work has had a significant impact on people and communities in their country or region.

We are looking for young people aged 15 to 29 years, whose development work demonstrates the Commonwealth’s Plan of Action for Youth Empowerment, to:

  • Promote youth participation in decision making
  • Promote economic empowerment of young people
  • Take action for equality between young women and young men
  • Promote peaceful and democratic environment in which human rights flourish
  • Provide quality education for all
  • Improve access to information and communication technology
  • Promote health, development and values through sport and culture
  • Engage young people to protect the environment.


  • The sixteen regional finalists will receive a £1,000 grant, a trophy and a certificate.
  • The four regional winners will receive an additional £2,000, a trophy, and a certificate.
  • The overall Commonwealth award winner, or Commonwealth Young Person of the Year, will receive £5,000 in total, a trophy and a certificate.
  • The 16 finalists will be invited to receive their awards at an official ceremony in London.


  • The nominee must have been engaged in their development work for more than 12 months either in a professional or voluntary capacity
  • The nominee must be from a Commonwealth member country
  • The development work must be ongoing and in a Commonwealth member country
  • The nominee should not be older than 29 on 31 December 2016
  • Nominees should give permission for their names to be put forward (if nominated by someone else).
  • Award winners and finalists must agree to take part in publicity and activities generated by the Commonwealth.
  • The development work can be within any number of areas, including agriculture, skills training, arts and culture, environment protection, education, health and well-being, human rights, information and communications technology, journalism and many more areas including sport, science and sustainability.

DEADLINE: August 31, 2015.

To apply and for more information visit here


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