In collaboration with Women Have Wings, the NGO CSW Youth Leaders & Young Professionals is delighted to make available five $5,000 grant awards to youth leaders and young professionals who have a project or an idea to advance gender equality in their region. Top projects will be displayed on the NGO CSW65 Virtual Platform.


Five $5,000 grants to youth-led organizations or organizations with projects to advance young feminists’ work. Individual youth leaders (between ages 18 to 40 years old at the time of submission) can be highlighted, but the grants must go to organizations.


  • Organizations must be registered in their country or have a fiscal sponsor who is registered.
  • Priority will be given to young people in the Global South. No US-based organizations are eligible. Your application must address one of the following themes.

DEADLINE: March 1, 2021

To apply and for more information visit here


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