2021 Awards

The Nature Research Awards for Driving Global Impact, in partnership with Tencent, celebrate early and mid-career researchers, whose work has made, or has the potential to make, a positive impact on global challenges.

Science is critical in solving global challenges.  In 2021 they invite applications from early career researchers working in these areas:

  • Food security, water security and/or energy security – ensuring a long term, sustainable supply of either food, water or energy.
  • Healthcare interventions – the assessment, improvement or promotion of human health.
  • Environmental protection – protection of the natural environment on land and water including the repair of damage.
  • Climate change – slowing climate change and adapting to what’s unavoidable.
  • Sustainable cities – building green, liveable cities that last.


Prizes will be awarded to one winner and two runners up.

  • The winner will receive a grant of USD 30,000, coverage on nature.com and on the Award’s website.
  • The two runners up will each receive a grant of USD 10,000 and coverage on nature.com and on the Award’s website.


Applicants must:

  • Be employed by a university, research institute or any other not-for-profit organisation.
  • Hold a PhD or clinical doctorate, one of which awarded not earlier than 1st January 2006.
  • Lead an independent research group established within the past 5 years as of 1st January 2021.
  • Demonstrate the application, or potential application, of their research to make a positive impact on one of the global challenges above.
  • Dates may be adjusted in the case of maternity leave(s) or other formal leave(s) of absence taken before the application deadline to adjust for the duration of the leave taken.

DEADLINE: March 21 2021

To apply and for more information visit here


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