I4C Africa Hub is pleased to announce this call for applications for a West African Regional Connector/RC. The West Africa Regional Connector/RC will encourage collaboration with organizations in the West African Region to support the following Key Focus Areas, which align with the I4C Africa Hub’s Work

Plan and mandate:

  • Building Camaraderie Through Mobilization – improving civil society’s capacity to foster solidarity amongst countries and individuals affected by closing civic space.
  • Creating Digital Resources – Sustaining an interactive and easy-to-use online resource centre is essential to campaign for a more open civil society.
  • Offering Legal Solutions – providing analysis of regulations and administrative decisions and referrals for individuals or organisations spanning the continent.


  1. Numerous networking and collaboration opportunities to increase the impact and sustainability of your organization’s work and provide visibility to it amongst national, international, and local NGOs, research and policy think-tanks, the private and public sector and the media;
  2. Being part of a strong civic movement and network membership with similar values; interested in contributing to work around civic space expansion and the development of a sustainable Africa;
  3. Exchanging Lessons Learned, Best Practices, and learning about solutions being used by other organizations in the region and staying abreast of the latest industry developments; and broader access to a wider range of resources and new and valuable knowledge.


  • Since its inception in 2017, the I4C Africa Hub has continuously engaged regional partners and/or organizations to assist with the implementation of the Hub’s sub-regional activities in support of civic space expansion initiatives. The I4C Africa Hub works with implementing partners in each of the continent’s following sub-regions/locations:
    • Central Africa
    • East Africa
    • North Africa
    • Southern Africa
    • West Africa

DEADLINE: 9th September 2022

To apply and for more information visit here


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