Swift has announced the lunch of the Innotribe Startup Challenge for Africa is open for applications. For the second year running, the innotribe startup challenge for Africa will be part of swift’s African Regional Conference (ARC) Held in Mauritius from 17-19

The Innotribe Startup Challenge gives young African Financial technology startups the opportunity to showcase their products and receive expert coaching and mentoring. Twelve companies will be selected to compete in the event, with three finalists selected to attend Sibos, swift’s annual global financial services conference. At sibos, which takes place from 26-29 september in Geneva, the Finalist will share the stage with Fintech experts receive a 10,000 USD cash prize


  • Their submission will be evaluated by highly qualified industry experts, bank decision-makers, venture capitalists and angel investors, who will provide an accurate assessment of the company and the product.
  • They will also receive feedback and comments/ideas from the reviewers, allowing judges to get in touch with the companies if they find the ideas they reviewed of interest to the companies they represent.
  • The opportunity to make a 10-minute pitch (including Q & A) to an invitation-only audience of 200-300 financial industry executives, investors and media during one of SWIFT major regional conferences
  • Promotion to SWIFT’s 10,000 member organisations and introduction to members who express interest in meeting with representatives from your company
  • Coaching sessions with our Startup Challenge judges to refine your pitch before the competition
  • A prize of 10,000 USD, which will be announced during the networking event after the showcase?


  • The challenge is open to innovative technology and technology-enabled financial services companies that are headquartered in Africa and Latin America working in areas such as payments, securities,trading, social media tools, big data/data analytics, security, identity, b2b or b2b2c mobile, small business apps & services &/or IT infrastructure
  • Consulting and outsourcing firms are not eligible.
  • A company that already applied for previous Startup Challenge editions (Alumni) can re-apply to participate in the competition where the company has a new product to present.
  • All applicants must also have a demonstrable “beta” product (no concept, products or services will be accepted).

Deadline: March 18, 2016

To apply and for more information visit here


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