The Global Health Reporting Contest has increased the quality and quantity of health coverage on four continents by offering journalists specialized training and access to leading experts.
Since 2014, contest entrants have produced more than 823 stories primarily on maternal and child-health issues, reaching a combined audience of at least 800 million readers, viewers and web visitors. To date, the program has recognized 16 outstanding journalists for coverage that has helped citizens in their communities.
The contest builds on its early successes by further developing local networks of leading health reporters in Brazil, China, India, Russia and sub-Saharan Africa. Journalists in these countries have the opportunity to participate in a 12-day study tour in the United States. They also receive cash prizes as part of regional competitions to recognize high-quality coverage of maternal and child health, as well as other urgent health matters such as diseases and vaccinations.
Selected journalists will win cash prizes and a 12-day tour with access to health experts
- To qualify for the contest, stories must focus on key health topics in the journalists’ regions and published, broadcasted, or posted online in Brazil, China, India, Russia, or sub-Saharan Africa between Monday, January 1st, 2018 and Sunday, October 7th, 2018.
- Journalists from each country must be employed by print, broadcast, or online media in order to qualify.
- The contest is also open to affiliated freelance journalists with a letter confirming their work by an editor.
- Submitted work must have appeared in a media outlet based in each region or distributed mainly in the region. Submissions will be accepted in English, French (Africa), Hindi (India), Mandarin/Cantonese (China), Portuguese (Brazil), Russian (Russia).
- Submissions in other languages must include an English translation. Applicants may submit more than one entry.
DEADLINE: October 7 2018
To apply and for more information visit here