The H&M Foundation (“Foundation”) is an independent non-profit global foundation initiated by H&M. The Foundation’s mission is to contribute to positive long-term change for people and communities. The Foundation’s global programs and local projects reach beyond the H&M value chain and strive to make a positive impact both on global policy level and in the everyday life of people. The Foundation is funded by the Stefan Persson family, founders and main owners of H&M. The Foundation has decided to catalyze pioneering ideas in the fashion value chain with the goal of protecting the planet leading to improved living conditions for people through the Global Change Award (“Competition”).  


Five winners are selected and will share the grant of 1 million euro

  • First place winner €300 000,
  • Second place winner €250 000,  
  • Third place winner €150 000,  
  • Third place winner €150 000,  
  • Third place winner €150 000


  • The Competition is open to; Individuals or groups of two (2) to four (4) individuals from any country, eighteen years of age or older on the day of the submission of the Entry,
  • And all institutions and organizations (excluding solely commercial entities like corporations), domiciled in any country, and legally recognized as such in that country, in which all owners and/or leading persons are eighteen years of age or older on the day of the submission of the Entry.
  • The Competition is not open to; Foundation employees, employees and consultants of the H&M group or any entities owned in full or in part by the H&M group, employees and consultants of KTH Innovation, Accenture or such other project partners as announced by the Foundation, members of the expert advisory board,

DEADLINE: October 17, 2018

To apply and for more information visit here


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