Tuesday 23 October 2012

Equitas International Human Rights Training Program In


October 16, 2012

Deadline: 21 November, 2012

Open to: representatives of non-governmental organizations, national and regional human rights institutions and

government bodies.

Venue: June 9 – June 28, 2013, Montreal, Canada

Equitas is organizing the 34th annual International Human Rights Training (IHRTP) from June 9 to June 28, 2013 in Montreal, Canada.

With support from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Equitas has funding to award a limited number of

bursaries to selected International Candidates.

The Program  provides an opportunity for human rights workers and educators to deepen their understanding of human rights and of

the essential role of human rights education in effecting social change.  Participants from about 50 countries are equipped with

innovative tools that enable them to enhance their action to defend and promote human rights and democratic values in their home


The 2013 edition will have a particular focus on the rights of children, youth and women. The exploration of human rights principles

and instruments, ongoing critical reflection and inquiry, as well as extensive sharing of experiences allows participants to strengthen

their capacity to engage in effective human rights education, and advance equality and human dignity thus leading to social change.

By the end of the IHRTP, participants should be able to:

  1. Use a framework based on internationally accepted human rights standards and principles to analyze the issues and situations encountered in the work of their organizations
  2. Identify ways in which human rights education can increase the effectiveness of their human rights work
  3. Integrate a participatory approach into their human rights and human rights education work
  4. Indicate appropriate ways for putting their learning from the IHRTP into practice in the work of their organizations
  5. Explore networking opportunities essential for furthering the cause of human rights
  6. Determine strategies for promoting gender equality in their human rights education work
  7. Employ a basic evaluation process for assessing the results of their human rights education work


The IHRTP is primarily designed for representatives of non-governmental human rights organizations (NGOs), national human rights

institutions and government departments who have undertaken some human rights education training activities. In a limited number

of cases, consideration will also be given to Candidates affiliated with other types of

organizations involved in human rights education.

Organizations which nominate Candidates must:

  • have a demonstrated commitment to the protection and promotion of human rights
  • have an established record for effective action
  • be involved in human rights education activities such as training sessions, workshops, public awareness campaigns, advocacy, monitoring
  • be committed to providing opportunities for their Candidate to apply the knowledge and skills gained in the Program within the organization

Candidates from qualifying organizations must:

  • be active employees / volunteers with their organization for at least two years be in a position to influence the human rights
  • education work of their organization have knowledge of human rights principles and  major international instruments
  • be committed to transferring knowledge and skills gained during the Program to colleagues and to others with whom they work
  • be sensitive to the issues which arise when working in multicultural groups, and respectful of  diversity


The IHRTP participation fee is 5,540$ CAD.

Funding opportunity

Through the support of the Canadian International Development Agency, Equitas has funding to award a limited number of bursaries

to selected International Candidates. A bursary includes full tuition fees (including room and

board) for the 3-week training program as well as travel expenses. Once eligibility has been determined, the Selection Committee will

award the bursaries to the International Candidates who best meet the requirements. Due to the limited number of bursaries available,

there is no guarantee that the selected International Candidates will receive funding.


The completed applications must be returned to Equitas by:

  1. November 21, 2012 for the International Candidates;
  2. March 28, 2013 for Canadians residents and citizens.

The application must include:

  • The completed Application Form (Part A completed by the Director of the Candidate’s organization; Part B completed by the Candidate)
  •  The Memorandum of Agreement duly signed by the Candidate and the director of the Candidate’s organization
  •  Two supporting letters from national and/or international human rights organizations (other than the Candidate’s) familiar with the Candidate’s work and/or the work of his or her organization
  •  A brochure (and/or mission statement) describing the Candidate’s organization

One Comment

  1. Osman Said Kamara says:
  2. October 18, 2012 at 2:14pm
  3. Am Osman Said Kamara from Sierra Leone West Africa, I would like to
    participate in the forum my reasons of participation are first am the
    National Coordinator For Youth Alliance For Positive Change In Sierra
    Leone, A community based organization which mainly deals with behavior
    change among youths, civic education, our main objective is to empower
    youths with leadership skills, entrepreneurship, and also advocate for
    reproductive health and also because our country is going to have
    another general election I fill their is need for proper civic
    education a knowledge I believe I can perfectively get when I attended
    the training, and with what had happened in the last general election
    (post election violence) youth of our country need to have quality
    leaders who can build peace among us, thanks and may I be part of the
    change we need

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