Are you an exceptional young person who is taking great strides in community development? Are you an achiever who is not planning to stop? Then you should enter for the 2016 Queen’s Young Leader Awards.

In June 2015, 4 young Nigerians were honored by the Queen of England for being exceptional young people who have proven themselves to be inspiring leaders. Isaiah OwolabiKelvin OgholiNkechikwu Azinge and Oladipupo Ajiroba were among 60 people from across the Commonwealth who received a special package of training, mentoring and networking, including a one-week residential programme in the UK. At the end of the week, the young people got a chance to meet Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, and David Beckham Steve


  • The Award winners will have the opportunity to meet with inspiring people and visit organizations in the UK that have expertise in areas such as media and communications, social action and advocacy.


  • Applicants need to have proven experience of working to improve their communities locally, regionally or at a national level and be able to show evidence of their achievements.
  • Applicants must be aged between 18 and 29 throughout 2016; your date of birth must fall between, 1st January 1987 – 1st January 1998.
  • Applicants must be citizens of and working in a Commonwealth country or citizens of an Overseas Territories (of a Commonwealth Member).

Deadline: September 7, 2015

To apply and for more information visit here




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