Do you have a blog? Or would you love to start one soon? invites you to enter the ‘My Dream Blog Writing Contest’ and tell them why you started your blog or ehy you love to start a blog. Get your creative juicy flowing, express yourself freely and enjoy your writing. You could win one of the amazing prizes.

There are 2 topics and you’re to write on only one:

  1. “Why I started my blog” (write on this if you already have a blog)
  2. “Why I would love to start a blog” (write on this if you don’t have a blog yet)


  • First place: A self-hosted WordPress blog with a premium theme and professional design (value: $354)
  • Second place: A self-hosted WordPress blog (value: $137)
  • Third place: Honourable mention


  • Anyone
  • All ages
  • All nationalities

DEADLINE: 12th April, 2015

To apply and for more information visit here


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