The Electroceramics conference administers the Electroceramics Young Researcher Award (EYRA), in order to honour promising international young researchers in the field of electroceramics.

The award is associated to the Electroceramics conference and will also be presented at the conference. The awardee will therefore be selected among young researchers submitting an abstract to the conference.


  • The award consists of a plaque and a check for 1000 € and will be presented bi-annually at the Electroceramics conference.


  • Eligible candidates are young researchers up to 5 years* after their PhD
  • Demonstrated excellent scientific achievements in the field of electroceramics (CV, publications, society involvement, patents, etc.)
  • Noticeable independent research direction after PhD thesis
  • Involvement in outreach activities (communication of science to general public)
  • Registration and Presentation of a talk/poster at the conference

DEADLINE: May 15 2022

To apply and for more information visit here


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