Essay 2019

Keeping the human-oriented management philosophy of Peter Drucker alive in the minds of the young generation, the Peter Drucker Forum calls for essay submission from students and young professionals.


  • A cash prize of € 1,000
  • Free participation and waived registration fee (regular fee +/- € 2,000) for the 11th Global Peter Drucker Forum to be held in Vienna on November 21-22, 2019 at the Imperial Palace (Hofburg) (including conference bag and brochure, buffet lunches, and coffee breaks at the conference venue)


  • Open to students and young professionals from all around the world
  • You must be 18-35 years old (inclusive of both ages)
  • You must have been selected no more than once (or not at all) among the top 10 since 2010

Essay category requirements

You can submit one essay to participate as either a student or a professional

Student category

  • You are a part-time or full-time student (bachelor, master, MBA, or PhD) or you are seeking your first opportunity after the completion of your last degree

Professional category

You are a:

  • manager of people, projects, budgets, and/or processes
  • an entrepreneur or business owner
  • licensed professional
  • social volunteer or community leader

DEADLINE: June 26 2019

To apply and for more information visit here


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