YouthHubAfrica Opportunities

Supported by the Google News Initiative, the Digital Immersion Programme is a five-day interactive virtual workshop for key decision-makers designed to accelerate a publisher’s journey towards digital reader revenue. By fusing strategic thinking with tactical action, participants will leave with a series of quick wins that can be implemented immediately, and an actionable framework for sustained growth. Our first ever in-person edition of the programme is taking place in Cape Town, May 09-13, 2022!


  •  The Digital Immersion programme focuses on a different aspect of your digital transformation journey.


The programme is designed for publishers at the beginning of their digital reader revenue journey. It’s aimed at organisations looking for rapid and actionable solutions to help in their transition to digital reader revenue.

  • Typically local and hyperlocal publishers
  • Have a content website, not only an e-edition of the publication
  • Yet to offer digital subscriptions/memberships or at a very early stage of that process
  • Typical headcount (newsroom + operations): 9-50
  • Typical online monthly unique visitors: <250,000

DEADLINE: May 13, 2022

To apply and for more information visit here


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