
The Foundation works to bring the voice of civil society into all aspects of governance, supporting civil society engagement in shaping the policies and decisions that affect people’s lives.The Commonwealth Foundation is an intergovernmental organisation established by Heads of Government in support of the belief that the Commonwealth is as much an association of peoples as it is of governments.

It is the Commonwealth agency for civil society; an organisation dedicated to strengthening people’s participation in all aspects of public dialogue, so they can act together and learn from each other to build democratic societies.


  • A grant  between £15,000 and £30,000 per year, and for a maximum of two years.


  • The applicant must be a not-for-profit civil society organization (CSO) registered in an eligible Commonwealth Foundation member country.
  • The proposed project must be implemented in the country of registration. Projects can be implemented in one or more eligible Commonwealth Foundation member countries
    and can have a national, sub-national, regional, or international remit.
  • The applicant organization must have a minimum of two years’ demonstrable experience working on participatory governance and advocacy within the area/theme(s) of the proposed project.
  • The project proposal must address at least one of the notified priority themes.
  • The project proposal must demonstrate appropriate integration of gender considerations. 
  • Applicants must be citizens of any of the following country;Bangladesh ,Mauritius, Barbados, Mozambique, Brunei ,Darussalam, Namibia, Cameroon, Pakistan, Cyprus, Papua New Guinea, Guyana, Rwanda, India, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Kenya, Seychelles, Kingdom of Eswatini ,Sri Lanka, Kiribati, South Africa, Lesotho, The Bahamas, Malawi , Uganda, Malaysia , United Republic of Tanzania, Maldives ,Zambia, Malta

DEADLINE: November 1, 2022

To apply and for more information visit here


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