YouthHubAfrica Opportunities

The Alliance envisions a world where communities of people who face injustice and abuse of power can be confident that others will stand in solidarity with them in the pursuit of a more equal and just global society that practices radical love, to defend, uphold, preserve and extend their own and others’ rights. They seek to advance rights-based, critical and developmental programming to address the needs of underserved communities across Africa by working collectively to ensure that affected communities are informed about their rights; have access to dignified health care and the agency and access to hold duty bearers to account for the non-realisation of these rights.


  • 2 Grants of ZAR 280,000 each for the entire project period in each region – North Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, West Africa, and Southern Africa.


  • Applications must be from an Indigenous-led organisation – This means that your organisation must be led by people who are descendants of the original inhabitants of the land in which the organisation operates. This includes groups who have not adopted significant parts of colonised culture.
  • Must have a main or head office located in Africa.
  • Must not be an International Non-Government Organisation.
  • Must declare a policy and practice of being non-discriminatory to any groups, including but not limited to Sex workers, LGBTQIA+ Communities, People living with HIV, People with disabilities, People who use Drugs, People in Detention, and Migrant Populations.
  • Must have active partnerships or a presence in rural communities in-country.
  • You will need to confirm that you have a zero-tolerance approach to and prohibition of sexual exploitation and abuse by all staff, volunteers and consultants, partners, beneficiaries and community members.

DEADLINE: May 30, 2022

To apply and for more information visit here


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