From 5th to 11th of August, around 1000 persons from 15 countries will gather in Halle (Saale), Germany, to make a statement – artists, dancer, musicians, activists, scholars, kids, youth, and adults from Germany, Belgium, Austria, Spain, Italy, France, Hungary, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Brazil, South Africa, Tunisia, Senegal and Zimbabwe. The festival celebrates Hip Hop culture and Street Art but invites any form popular art and culture. It is an open space of shared action and thought, that seeks to engage, empower and create in unison, with all those who feel the urgency to act now and here to transform the world.

What’s going to happen:

  • open participatory cultural and political actions
  • graffiti & street art: wall paintings, expositions & battles
  • rap, slam & poetry: battles, jam sessions, open mics, recording of a world hip hop compilation
  • break- & streetdance: open performances, circles & battles
  • open forums & film screenings on the current cultural, political, economic and ecological crisis
  • an alter-market for fair, ecological and self-produced products
  • chillin’, barbecue, sun and good music!

Democracy, on the global level, is in crisis. The existing forms and spaces of political participation are not failing to tackle the local and global challenges of tomorrow: wars, poverty, inequalities, climate change, access to work, food and energy. We have the choice: either we resign ourselves to the continuation of the status quo, or we step up to reinvent the world. To sum up our current model of civilization with a quote by the economists Ignacy Sachs, Carlos Lopes and Ladislau Dowbor: “We are destroying the planet for the benefit of a third of the world population” (2010). If we want to overcome the deadlock of waste, resource depletion, inequality, overconcentration of wealth and destruction of our ecosystems, we need to recreate the way we live together on this planet. Grassroots-driven alternatives already abound. Now it’s time to raise awareness for them and size them up

Hip Hop, and street art are open spaces wherein which all human beings can take part, regardless of their physical, economic, or cultural attributes. Breakdance, graffiti, rap and deejaying are four elements of hip hop culture. With the Breathe in-Break out! Festival (=BIBO), we put into practice the fundamental values of hip hop culture: mutual respect, non-violence, community and access. We enact hip hop and street art in spaces that are accessible to everyone: practice, open-mics, jam sessions, circles, and battles. We do not depend on expensive technical equipment or special locations. We live hip hop on the street, in the park and in public space. The more people participate, the better. For us, hip hop and street art are spaces of political, social, and cultural participation.

A central element of the BIBO is the active engagement of kids, youth and residents of Halle, behind the background of socio-economic evolutions that hit hard on the local communities since the fall of communism: urban exodus, high unemployment, racism, xenophobia, socio-geographic segregations of districts, and rising inequalities regarding the access to education, health care and jobs.

You are an artist, dancer, musicians, activist or scholar? You feel sympathy to our goals and want to get involved on an artistic and/or content level? Come as a participant to the BIBO 2013! For participants coming from the above mentioned countries, we offer free accomodation and food. We refund up to 70% of your travel. Arrival: 4th of August at the latest. Departure: 12th of August the earliest. There are still free places! Contact us:

It would be awesome if you could spread that call amongs artists, activists and scholars who might be interested in coming.

Peace, Love & Unity!

For more information, click here


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