The Youth Policy Dialogue seeks to influence the ongoing review of the 2009 National Youth Policy, by generating youth participation, hopefully creating a sense of ownership as well as making critical demands for the full implementation of the National Youth Policy.

The Federal Ministry of Youth Development has commenced a review process of the 2009 National Youth Policy to which a draft has been written. Youthhubafrica is offering an opportunity to work with partner Organisations who are willing to serve as volunteers to host Policy Dialogues in their States, Cities, or Communities  to collate youths opinions as it reflects their realities.

This Policy Dialogues should target a wide representation of at least 20-30 Youth Leaders in your respective locations and should strive to maintain gender balance.


  • Participating organisations will be listed in a book to be published to chronicle the whole review exercise
  • Organisations will be credited on Youthhubafrica Platforms
  • Organisation will be able to work with Youthhubafrica in other upcoming Youth related Projects.


  • A participating Organisation must be a Youth led and Youth Focused organisation
  • Working in a State, City, or Town where the Policy Dialogue will take place
  • Willing to organise a dialogue with about 20 to 30 Youth leaders in attendance
  • Must be willing to carry out the above voluntarily and without monetary contribution whatsoever.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: 12 noon, Saturday, May 13 2017

To Register, Fill the form below


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