UN-Habitat and the Laboratory of Architecture and Environmental Design (LaCoMoFa) of Biskra University are inviting young photographers and students from all over the world to submit images documenting their communities’ contributions to improving the quality of life in cities and highlighting the acquaintances between urban and rural areas and the links between cities and their regions. They are calling upon photographers across the globe to engage creatively with the topic “valuing our communities, cities and regions”.


  • Participation is free of charge.
  • Top five winners (one per thematic) will receive an award certificate from the organizer partners.
  • Winning and selected photos will be presented in an online public exhibition on both UNHabitat and LaCoMoFA social media and digital platforms (UN-Habitat Urban Policy Platform).
  • Winning and selected photos will be featured in upcoming publications of UN-Habitat and LaCoMoFa. Photo authors will receive full acknowledgement in the publication.


  • Participants must be between 18-35 to qualify as a participant.
  • The participant declares that she/he is the author of the photographs and the owner of their copyright and of the right to use the image.
  • By submitting an image, the participant gives LaCoMoFa and UN-Habitat the right to share your image on social media, future publications (hard copies), and the website competition.
  • LaCoMoFa and UN-Habitat takes no responsibility for infringement of 3rd party rights. The submitter of the photograph will incur any and all penalties associated with infringing on a 3rd Party’s rights to the photo.
  • LaCoMoFa and UN-Habitat reserves the right to cancel or modify the contest at its discretion.

DEADLINE: March 31, 2021.

To apply and for more information visit here


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